Kayak Delivery

We are proud to offer discounted kayak delivery prices, as we have worked hard to put together a service to selected Rural, Regional and Metropolitan areas across Australia as well as a Click and Collect service for other selected Metro Areas in QLD, NSW and VIC. We use a variety of carriers for all of our bulky goods and kayaks. We can’t cater for all areas due to constant changes in delivery network, but we try our best to accommodate all regions. 

Home Delivery Plus

Our home delivery plus service is available for all kayak and bulky goods orders placed via our website or in store. Please note this service may not be free to your area and prices do vary with kayak size and your location. For accurate freight cost to your location, please add item to cart and update your postcode and suburb.

Click & Collect

We offer FREE Click & Collect to our Brisbane customers for all orders placed before 12pm. Collection of goods is available between Monday and Saturday during our hours of operation. This service is also available for free to areas for large item orders, although some handling fees may apply for kayaks over 3.5m in length.